W131 ePortfolio
WP1 [Movie Review]: For my movie review writing project I chose to watch the documentary "Which Way Home". In my movie review, I give a very descriptive perspective of the documentary and establish connections between the documentary and the audience. I allow the audience to get a feeling of what it feels to be one of the children in the documentary and I also share some of the children's summarized immigration stories.
WP2 [Immersion Experience + Narrative]: For my immersion experience I incorporated a variety of factual information regarding immigration stories in order to describe in-detail the stories of different immigrants. Most, if not all, of the immigrants I have recorded in my notes portion of my immersion experience have never been heard of. I also have included a YouTube video of me sharing my final collective thoughts on my immersion experience. For my Narrative, I chose to write from a more personal standpoint. I wrote a journal filled with a compilation of chronological entries. The entries were told from both my mother and I's perspective. They told our immigration story.
WP3 [Multi-Model Artifact + Overview & Retrospective Essay]: The final portion of my ePortfolio incorporates the Overview of my website. This includes: template-of-choice (no name found), design decisions, and thought process while creating and organizing my website. The retrospective essay is the last updated portion of my website that depicts my reflection on this entire semester and what I have learned and accomplished.