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After watching the documentary Which Way Home I found myself realizing how fortunate I am to have been raised the way I was raised. A lot of the opportunities I have been given have been because of the decisions my mom chose to make. She chose to come to Indiana to earn money so that she could go to college, and in doing so, I came along and, ever since then, I was raised in an environment where there are a multitude of opportunities around me. In comparing myself to these kids, these kids have grown up in countries where they don't have many opportunities. They have had to practically raise themselves because they didn't have a mom or dad who fulfilled that parenting role, and if they did have their mom and their dad then they were being raised with several other kids or having to live a more independent life where these kids had to mature as they grew faster than most kids do.

One of the things that I enjoyed doing most about this immersion experience is being able to interview my mom. I have heard the story of how she got the U.S. but, hearing the obstacles and difficulties she encountered and had to overcome inspired me to want to read many other individuals personal stories. I wanted to be able to fully immerse myself in the lives of other individuals who migrated from other countries not just Costa Rica—which is where my family is from.

Today I visited a website filled with many immigrant stories. I was able to read on these individuals personal immersion stories. I wanted to share a few of the things that stood out to me. 

One of the stories that stood out to me was about a woman named Yeni. In reading the abstract of the interview done, she describes the difficulties of learning a new language in a new country with few resources for immigrants when her family lived in Miami. This in itself is one of the main obstacles that most if not all immigrants have to face when migrating to a new country. I know my mom faced it because she only spoke Spanish in a predominantly English speaking country, and I know I faced it in growing up speaking mainly Spanish and beginning Elementary school knowing barely the basics of the English language. Yeni found herself needing to learn how to live in a completely new community as do many immigrants when migrating. You're in a new place, and have to adjust to the community and different culture. Her story emphasizes finding strength and persistence and most importantly learning how to succeed and live happily in an entirely new environment.

Another story that stood out to me was about a man named Walter who grew up in Germany during World War II. I found it interesting that his mother told him to come to the U.S., but chose to stay behind in hopes that her husband, Walter's father, would come back. There was a mini interview clip where Walter explained the reasoning behind his mother's decision. I recommend listening to it.

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